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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Poll Result: Do you use separate planners for work and personal life?

Here's the result!

Out of 169 votes:

Yes, I use a planner (electronic or paper) at work and a separate planner for personal use
  51 (30%)
No, I use one planner for both work and personal
  105 (62%)
I use a planner at work but not for my personal life
  2 (1%)
I use a planner for my personal life but not for work
  11 (6%)

I'd love to hear from those of you who voted that you do use a separate planner for work and personal. Do you have to use an electronic planning system at work that everyone can link into? Or do you use a paper planner at work?

Also, the people who voted that they use a planner for personal life but not work: does that mean you don't work at a job, or do you somehow function at work without a planner?

As always with these polls, I find the results fascinating!  Many thanks to everyone who participated!


  1. To be fair certain jobs don't need them..if you work the same shift pattern every week, don't have appointments on a day to day basis...

    1. That is very true Deborah I hadn't thought about that. My mom is a nurse and I'm sure during much of her career there's been no scheduling aside from her work hours. When you get there, you take it as it comes!

  2. I use a Planner Pad at work-and I should be using Google calendar for other people to link in to, but it has just not been at the top of my priority list.
    PP has lots of space for me to put what I do during the day, to-do's conversations I have with people etc.--works perfectly right now :D
    (at home, y'all know what I use ;o)

    1. The PP intrigues me, and I keep trying to use one. However, for me it seems to require me to write and re-write more than I like. I think the issue maybe I simply don't have enough going on to use the PP. I have thought about using the smaller size for perhaps my smaller life, but my hands are too old for the smaller writing that one requires.

  3. First of all, I just want to say I love your blog! I check it religiously everyday, even if I don't read anything else! I guess I'm a Plannerisms addict.

    I'm retired now, but when I was working I used different planners for home and work. Actually, I used two different planners at work -- an electronic system that was required, office-wide, and then a paper calendar-type planner for my own work schedule. And always a paper planner/diary at home for my personal scheduling.

    Somehow I assumed that once I retired, I wouldn't need a planner anymore. How wrong! I actually seem to need it more now, and I'm still searching for the perfect system. Guess that's why I love your blog so much.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you like my blog! :)

  4. I use the same planner for personal and work appointments. My previous planner has been discontinued. Thankfully I found Plannerisms! Through Plannerisms I discovered The Woman's Success Planner, which I've had now for four days. I love all the goal planning, space for notes and the health trackers. I was debating whether to buy the Planner Pad, because it has some of the extras that I want, but when Laurie said she was adamant about keeping work notes separate, I decided to start with a Blue Sky ProNotes notebook first, and add in the Anno-planning calendar from DIY Planner. So far, so good.

  5. I have a filofax for personal stuff, and an A4 week-to-view diary for work. I don't have a job that requires appointmentns, but I have a list of tasks that need to be done, and a paper planner seems to be the least buggy and easiest for everyone else to access if they need to.

  6. While I voted one planner for work and play, it occurs to me that my notebook at work is a Memogenda. I suppose the Memogenda maybe thought of as a planner of sorts. However, I think of the Memogenda as my real-time task master.

  7. I don't use a planner for work. I have an appointments diary in which I write meetings and shift times etc. In my department work that comes in has to be done within 48 hours so you just do the work in the order that it comes in. There is not much planning involved.


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